Aries Weekly Horoscope

Nov 28, 2022 – Dec 4, 2022 – End the month on a passionate note when Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on Monday, encouraging you to stand up for what you believe in. This is an ideal time to look at your community and see what you can do to improve your world. Start by attending a town meeting or reading up on social justice issues.

To help with these goals, talk to people from all walks of life when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars on Tuesday. It’s important to do some active listening, not just give everyone your opinion. An open mind can lead to better conversations.

If you’re feeling frustrated by a situation, it might be time to retreat and do some self-care when Pallas turns retrograde in your home zone on Wednesday. You need to nurture your inner fire and have space to feel free and secure.

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