Aries Weekly Horoscope

Apr 3, 2023 – Apr 9, 2023 – You’re starting your week and month thinking about your personal values when Mercury enters Taurus and your wealth zone on Monday. While it’s tempting to chase the almighty dollar, the upcoming retrograde will have you thinking about what’s really worthy of your time and attention and what you need to let go of.
Especially as love blooms during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your partnership zone, the relationships you were working on in the fall are finally happening. Get ready for connections that are more than a quick fling. Coming together as two is much better than one. Trust us on this, Aries.
End the week by doing some nesting when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. This is a great day to invest in your important relationships by giving compliments and a little time. Be present for a happy home.