Aries Weekly Horoscope

Jun 19, 2023 – Jun 25, 2023 – You’re starting summer on a cozy note when the sun enters Cancer and your home zone on Wednesday. The next four weeks are a great time to hang out with family, start DIY projects around the house, and practice some self-care. Work on making yourself feel safe so you can spend the rest of the summer feeling fearless.
Especially since you’ll settle down with a summer romance when Juno also enters your home zone on Thursday. There’s a strong possibility of making it official with your partner, meeting each other’s family, and getting a place together. Focus on building a strong emotional foundation for love.
Your word is your bond over the next few weeks once Vesta enters Gemini and your communication zone on Thursday. You’re committed to keeping your word but still letting curiosity be your guide. Focus on what’s important, Aries, and remember to be sincere.