Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Dec 19, 2022 – Dec 25, 2022 – The year 2022 is ending on a social note when Jupiter enters Aries, moving into your friendship zone on Tuesday. Thanks to good connections, things that you’ve been working hard toward suddenly become easy as you receive a windfall. Celebrate your success with your friends.
These successes will help you change your life for the better when the sun enters Capricorn, moving into your transformation zone on Wednesday. The shortest day of the year is an opportunity for rebirth as get to learn more about yourself on an intimate level. Changes that happen now will affect you next year, Gemini, so make them count!
Friday brings a different kind of intimacy during the new moon in Capricorn. This is a great night to bond with your lover and make a commitment to change your life for the better. Let go of the person you were and step into the person you’re meant to be.