Is there a possibility of precipitation in Karachi today?
Presently, the weather in Karachi is characterized by a combination of partly cloudy conditions, high temperatures, and a significant level of humidity.
The current temperature is 32 degrees Celsius, but, the perceived heat is as high as 41 degrees Celsius due to the humidity level of 69 percent.
The agency has indicated that the maximum temperature today may reach 39 degrees Celsius, and the heat intensity might potentially feel as high as 45 degrees Celsius.
The wind is currently coming from the northwest at a velocity of 10 kilometers per hour.
Furthermore, there is a potential for a light drizzle in multiple areas of the city during the evening and night.
In its weather update, the Met Office had forecasted that temperatures would rise significantly, and the presence of a sea wind would continue in the city until July 18.
The weather report states that the temperature in Thatta and Sujawal districts may reach up to 41 degrees Celsius.
The weather in other parts of Sindh will continue to be hot and humid.
The meteorological agency has forecasted the arrival of monsoon currents in the city starting on July 18, with a high probability of substantial rainfall on July 19 and 20.