Pakistan’s GDP in FY2023–2024 stayed at 2.8 percent.

The sanction was given at the National Accounts Committee’s (NAC) 109th meeting, which took place in Islamabad today.

In FY2023–24, Pakistan’s GDP growth rate was 2.38 percent, falling short of the 3.5% target.

In the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2023–2024, the GDP grew steadily by 2.09%. Agriculture, industry, and services are growing at rates of 3.94%, 3.84%, and 0.83%, respectively.

Every component of agriculture has made a good contribution during Q3, including cattle (4.20%), other crops (1.14%), key crops (2.89%, mostly wheat), and cotton ginning (61.75%). Notwithstanding the construction industry’s negative growth (-15.75%), large-scale manufacturing (1.47%), mining and quarrying (0.63), and the delivery of gas, electricity, and water (37.3%) are responsible for the industry’s 3.84% increase.

In the fiscal year 2023–2024, the industrial sector’s growth rate stayed at 1.21%. The production of crude oil (1.51%), coal (36.72%), and other minerals (7.57%), such as marble (23.22%) and limestone (7.95%), has increased, leading to a 4.85% expansion in the mining and quarrying business.

Based on the Quantum Index of Manufacturing (QIM), large-scale manufacturing has seen a nominal growth of 0.07% with a mixed trend in the production of different groups, such as food (+1.69%), beverages (-3.43%), textiles (-8.27%), tobacco (-33.59%), non-metallic mineral products (-3.89%), wood (+12.09%), Coke & Petroleum (+4.85%), and pharmaceuticals (+23.19%).

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