Schedule for the Eidul Azha special trains issued

Rails will operate two special trains from Quetta and one from Karachi, per the details.

All of the carriages on the first Eid special train are economy class, and it is scheduled to travel from Karachi to Peshawar on June 14 at 6:30 p.m.

On June 15, at nine thirty o’clock at night, the second special train will leave for Lahore from Karachi.” Two coaches each in the business, standard, and economy classes will be available on this train.

Eidul Azha will most likely fall on June 17 (Monday), according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s prediction.

Zilhajj moon sightings are most likely to occur on Friday, June 7, and Monday, June 17, are the dates for Eidul Azha celebrations, according to the Climate Data Processing Center.

The moon will rise at 5:38 PM on June 6 and set at approximately 7:20 PM, according to the processing center.

Seventy-two minutes after sunset, the moon should be visible.

Of the two Eid celebrations observed by Muslims to honor Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to offer his son as a sacrifice to God, the other is called Eidul Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice.

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