Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Oct 10, 2022 – Oct 16, 2022 – You’ve never been much of a talker, but when Mercury enters Libra on Monday, moving into your privacy zone, you’ll be keeping a lot of secrets close to the vest. This is not a great time to trust people with sensitive information. Keep out of the drama by keeping to yourself.
It’s also not a great week for intimacy when Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. You might realize that you and your partner have completely different dreams for the future. Passions could run hot, so try to cool things down before they boil over.
Especially as this week gives you opportunities for self-sabotage when Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries on Wednesday. All your good habits could fly out the window as you focus more on your emotional turmoil than you do on getting your life together. Breathe, Scorpio!