Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

May 8, 2023 – May 14, 2023 – It’s all about relationships this week when the sun conjoins Uranus in your partnership zone on Tuesday. Whether you’re changing your relationship status, creating contracts, or asking someone out, you’re ready to get what you want. And who you want.
To seal the deal, you’ll need to put in the work when Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Saturday. Learning how to make someone feel good can take intimacy to a whole new level. This is also a great time to find a travel buddy for some fun and adventure.
After a rocky start, you’re ready to heal relationships and mend fences when Mercury moves forward in your partnership zone on Sunday. This is a great time to get back to the negotiating table and strike a deal. Make sure you handle conflict with an even temper as you do damage control, Scorpio.