Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Oct 17, 2022 – Oct 23, 2022 – After a carefree summer, it’s time to be productive again once Saturn moves forward in your health zone on Saturday. This is an ideal time to work on yourself, especially your health. Schedule those doctor appointments now, and don’t push your limits when it comes to your health. Trust us.
Your keen mind is working at top speed as the sun enters Scorpio on Sunday, moving into your communication zone. You’re ready for deep conversations, journaling, and even hitting the open road to visit friends—anything that can lead to intense intellectual transformation.
It’s also a great time for some deep talks with loved ones when Venus enters your communication zone on Sunday, especially if you have to clear the air regarding important issues. You might have to choose between your head and your heart when making big decisions, so choose wisely, Virgo, unless you can get them to work together.