Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Feb 20, 2023 – Feb 26, 2023 – The week isn’t starting on a very productive note when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. This distracting aspect gives you plenty of good ideas but not enough focus to bring them to life. If you’re dreaming of vacation days and adventure, Virgo, you need to come back down to earth.
Fortunately, you’ll get your drive back when Mercury trines Mars in Gemini on Wednesday. This is a great time to focus on your goals and find a way to boost your reputation to get what you want. You got this!
You’ll finally be able to go on the adventure you’ve been dreaming about when the moon conjoins Uranus in your expansion zone on Saturday. This is a great time to get outside of your comfort zone and learn more about yourself and where you come from.