Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Mar 13, 2023 – Mar 19, 2023 – As you thaw out from the winter freeze, Virgo, this is an ideal time to expand your important relationships as Venus enters Taurus and your expansion zone on Thursday. Develop a sense of the beauty found in your journeys to carry with you. You might meet someone special as you travel or take classes.
It’s also a great week for relationships when Venus sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Friday. This is a great day to take a relationship to the next level. You have an opportunity to develop a deeper bond that can mature your intimacy. Just make sure you set appropriate boundaries.
Communication gets deeper when Mercury enters Aries and your intimacy zone on Saturday. It’s easy to develop connections with just words. Use those words to get to the core of any issue, even if you have to burn a few bridges to do so.