Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Mar 27, 2023 – Apr 2, 2023 – Start the week by transforming your life for the better, because you’ll be able to see the truth when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aries and your transformation zone. Allow yourself to embrace change. Deep talks can lead to deeper personal bonds and even a rebirth.

It’s also a great time for your relationships when Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Thursday. This aspect can help you meet your perfect match. Whether you’re asking out your crush or finding the perfect business partner, all relationships have the ability to level up today.

Thursday is also a great day to march to the beat of your own drummer as Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your expansion zone. This aspect allows you to understand life from a different point of view. While you might raise a few eyebrows, Virgo, people will eventually come around.

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