Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Sep 26, 2022 – Oct 2, 2022 – It’s been a rough month for everyone, and allowing yourself to have some fun might be just what you need when Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in your sign on Tuesday. Make an effort to do something fun every day to help you unwind, from solving puzzles to cooking interesting dishes.
In fact, it might be time for you to take a trip to get away from it all when Venus enters Libra on Thursday, moving into your travel zone. Now is a great time to book a vacation and explore the world. Visit friends who live far away or make new friends on your travels.
Especially since you’re able to let go of the past and move on when Mercury goes direct in your transformation zone on Sunday. Now is a period of rebirth as you clear your mind of all negativity and embrace the future, Aquarius.