Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Oct 10, 2022 – Oct 16, 2022 – This is a great week to soak in new experiences and information when Mercury enters Libra on Monday, moving into your expansion zone. Over the next two weeks you’ll be attracted to people from all walks of life. Be open-minded and listen to all sides of an issue, Aquarius, and you might change your mind.
Spend Tuesday doing some soul-searching when the sun in Libra trines Saturn in your sign. Learning more about the lives of others and your own philosophy will help you develop your character. Dig deep and allow yourself to grow.
After looking inward, you’ll also find the maturity and growth you crave in other people when Venus in Libra trines Saturn on Thursday. This is a great day to see how the other half lives and learn from people who have a different view of the world than you.