Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Apr 3, 2023 – Apr 9, 2023 – Home is where your head is this week when Mercury enters Taurus and your family zone on Monday. It’s time to focus on family traditions and ways to create more emotional security in your life. Do the groundwork now, because some messy family drama is just around the corner. Develop strong roots.
However, don’t forget to break out of your rut and have some fun during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your adventure zone, this is a great time to go on a spontaneous trip that can easily expand your horizons through discovery. Have fun, Aquarius!
End the week by doing some needed spring cleaning when Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer on Saturday. It’s a great day to clear the space in your home and allow your family to help you with chores. You can get things done more quickly if you all work together.