Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Jul 10, 2023 – Jul 16, 2023 – Your summer really starts to heat up when Mars enters Virgo on Monday, moving into your intimacy zone. This is a good time to make major changes in your personal relationships as the bonds get deeper and you go on a journey of personal growth. You’re ready to change your life for the best, Aquarius.

If you’ve found someone special, you’d better lock them down when Mercury enters Leo on Monday, moving into your partnership zone. This is a great time to partner up with people in business or creative work and sign contracts. Just be careful that jealousy doesn’t create drama before the retrograde.

End the week on a productive note when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Friday. Keep yourself busy by making your house a home through decorating, remodeling, or even moving to a new place. Create a space that’s both functional and comfortable.

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