Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Jul 31, 2023 – Aug 6, 2023 – You’re starting August with a major confidence boost with the full moon in your sign on Tuesday. This is a great time to celebrate everything you’ve achieved over the last six months. While there’s still more to be done, it’s important to recognize your achievements. Enjoy!
Especially since the rest of the week will be pretty rough, starting with the moon in Pisces opposing Mercury in Virgo on Thursday. Someone in your life is doing more taking than giving, especially where your emotional and mental energies are concerned. Set up strong boundaries so you don’t get hurt, Aquarius.
The week ends in conflict when the sun in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus on Sunday. You and your partner might realize that you have different ideas about what makes a home. If you can’t see a united future together, it’s time to cut them loose.