Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Sep 4, 2023 – Sep 10, 2023 – Start September by revisiting your roots and researching your family tree when Jupiter goes retrograde in your home zone on Monday. This a great time to think about how your family history affects your life. Spend time with your loved ones to hear their stories, Aquarius.

Tap into your own power and stand up for yourself when the sun conjoins Mercury in your transformation zone on Wednesday. Words have the power to change your life, so use them well. This aspect could unlock a period of rebirth, so keep your cards close to the chest before you make your power moves.

End the week by combining resources, because sharing finances could help make your home life a happier place when the sun trines Jupiter on Friday. Whether you’re living with someone or starting a family, home is happiness when you share it with others.

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