Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Oct 9, 2023 – Oct 15, 2023 – The next several weeks will bring out your ambitious side once Mars enters Scorpio and your career zone on Wednesday. During this transit, you’ll spend a lot of time and attention on achieving your goals. While these won’t be completed overnight, Aquarius, you’ll have a solid five-year plan for world domination.

So do some hustling, because your hard work toward your goals is paying off in big ways when Mars trines Saturn in Pisces on Friday. From landing a new job with great benefits to getting a promotion, you can get a boost to your confidence and wallet. There’s a strong possibility of hitting a financial goal or adulting benchmark. Enjoy!

End the week on an adventurous note during the solar eclipse in your expansion zone on Saturday. Decide to take the road less traveled as you take the opportunity to learn more about people and get a fresh perspective.

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