Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Oct 30, 2023 – Nov 5, 2023 – Things are getting serious in your relationship on Halloween when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You might finally decide to invite someone back to your crypt for good. This is a great time to move in with someone and take the next steps in your relationships.

However, November starts on a sluggish note when Vesta goes into retrograde in your productivity zone on Thursday. You might have a difficult time focusing on important tasks, including taking care of yourself, for the next few weeks. Don’t ignore your health, Aquarius.

After several months of splurging, it’s time to tighten your belt before the new year begins when Saturn goes direct in your value zone on Saturday. Get serious about your budget and think of new ways to earn extra cash. Use your personal resources to invest wisely without going into the red.

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