Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – There’s a strong possibility of being stuck with the check after NYE when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces early on Monday. Your friends might not want to pay their fair share for the fun. Remember your worth and stay true to your personal boundaries.

Fortunately, you’ll still ring in the new year with your true besties once Mercury moves forward in your social zone later that day. It’s a good time to leave feuds and petty fights in the past and move forward with stronger connections. Make a wish, Aquarius, and it will come true this year.

However, the next several weeks could be tricky once Mars enters Capricorn and your subconscious zone on Thursday. Your hidden thoughts and desires will be driving most of your actions, which can leave you feeling pretty bewildered. Lean in to your intuition. It can help you break negative patterns, heal from the past, and set yourself free.

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