Aries Weekly Horoscope
Sep 12, 2022 – Sep 18, 2022 – It’s a tough time to get anything done with Mercury in retrograde, but you could find that your productivity is gone when Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini on Friday. Whether you’re fighting with a coworker who’s always slowing you down or just feeling distracted by new information, try not to get into an argument. It won’t solve anything today and will only lead to more criticism.
Sunday isn’t a day for collaboration either as Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in your sign. Don’t make an agreement or sign a contract with anyone today because you’ll have a difficult time understanding what they’re really asking from you until it’s too late. It’s important to keep your distance because you won’t be able to see eye to eye with anyone. Remember, Aries, petty arguments and fights won’t get you the results you crave. Take a pause.