Aries Weekly Horoscope
Nov 7, 2022 – Nov 13, 2022 – You’ve always been willing to step outside your comfort zone, but things really get shaken up with the lunar eclipse in your value zone on Tuesday. This eclipse can bruise your ego a bit and might prove to be a little reckless. Sit with your feeling before they overtake you, Aries.
Sharing is not always caring, especially when you’re put in an awkward situation about asking for money when the sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. You might discover that the people in your life won’t bail you out of your latest jam.
This difficult lesson continues when the sun squares Saturn in Aquarius on Friday. You might have a tough time forming a closer connection to your social circle. Any attempts at bonding will be shut down, but don’t let it affect you. It was never meant to be.