Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aug 7, 2023 – Aug 13, 2023 – Your week hits a bit of a sour note when it comes to romance as Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, and you value your independence more than partnerships. Don’t get entangled in any late summer flings. It might not be worth the heartache.

Focus on making it rain when Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus later on Wednesday. You’ll be able to prosper with hard work. This is a great time to start projects, make nice with coworkers, and find ways to work smarter to reach your goals.

However, if you want to indulge in a summer fling, do so when the sun conjoins Venus in your pleasure zone on Sunday, making you feel pretty romantic. Just remember to keep it casual. Entertain yourself with a night out, Aries. You could be the star! Have fun!

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