Aries Weekly Horoscope

Oct 9, 2023 – Oct 15, 2023 – The October winds are bringing some major changes to your life when Mars enters Scorpio and your transformation zone on Wednesday. While some of these changes could be a little spooky, embrace them with open arms or they’ll haunt you. Take action to change your life for the better.

Continue to let go of things that are no longer serving you when Mars trines Saturn in Pisces on Friday. Get ready to move on from old heartbreak and heal. While big changes are happening, Aries, they are for the best.

Especially since the end of the week can be make or break for your important relationships during the solar eclipse in your partnership zone on Saturday. Whether you’re trying to decide to level up a relationship or debating entering a new contract, really think it through carefully before making any major moves.

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