Aries Weekly Horoscope

Oct 23, 2023 – Oct 29, 2023 – It’s a month of changes when the sun enters Scorpio and your transformation zone on Monday. The next four weeks will feel like a rebirth as you banish everything that is no longer serving you and move on. Follow your passions to your best self, Aries.

Make it rain during the lunar eclipse in your value zone on Saturday. You’re in the money as the work you’ve put in has paid off. Pamper yourself a little to boost your self-esteem, but don’t splurge all your money away on some self-care.

Your words have power when Mercury conjoins Mars in your transformation zone on Sunday, so use them boldly. Think of ways to change your life for the better and act on them. A well-placed word could change everything, so this is a good day for scheming and making power moves. Remember, it’s chess, not checkers.

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