Aries Weekly Horoscope

Oct 30, 2023 – Nov 5, 2023 – Happy Halloween, Aries! You’ll be having an intimate holiday when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. Being on the same page with your partner can lead to some deep connections. From what couples costume to wear to your five-year plan, sharing the same vision is pretty magical.

However, you’re starting November on a rocky note when Vesta goes into retrograde in your home zone on Thursday. Your home life might feel a little underwater as you have trouble growing your relationship. Don’t get completely stuck in the past.

After a long retrograde, it’s time to put up solid boundaries on what is and isn’t acceptable in your life when Saturn moves forward in your subconscious zone. Climb out of the rabbit hole with a new perspective. This is a time of healing, so use it wisely so you can move forward.

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