Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jan 23, 2023 – Jan 29, 2023 – Success can transform your life this week when the sun in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Tuesday. Making changes to your life can set you up for major achievements in the future. You might even receive a big reward or some praise right now. Enjoy it, Cancer!

Keep an open mind over the next few weeks when Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your expansion zone. This is a great time to be open to new ideas and different cultures and even travel for miles to be with someone. You’ll be amazed by where your dreams can take you if you only let them.

Teamwork really does make the dream work when Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. The deals, contracts, and relationships you form today can help you in all areas of your life. Team up now!

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