Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Apr 3, 2023 – Apr 9, 2023 – After a long winter, you’re feeling social again when Mercury enters Taurus and your social zone on Monday. You’re ready for long talks with your friends about everything under the sun and listening to the wisdom they offer. Your brilliant ideas can lead to sudden windfalls, so don’t be afraid to speak up!
After working hard on your goals, don’t forget to find balance in your home life during the full moon in Libra on Wednesday. With the moon in your family zone, this is a great day to host a family dinner or even decorate your space for nesting. Enjoy this time together, Cancer.
You want to make the world a better place, so turn that passion into action while Mercury sextiles Mars in your sign on Saturday. Rally your community together and work hard on what’s important to you. Think globally as you act locally.