Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Apr 11, 2022 – Apr 17, 2022 – Start the week with a stimulating brainstorming session with your friends when the sun in Aries forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Whether you’re forming a study group, planning a collective vacation together, or tackling a major problem, you can solve anything together!
Thursday brings some shake-ups when Mars enters Pisces and your career zone and stays here for the next six weeks. After finally reaching one of your most ambitious goals, you might discover that it isn’t giving you the sense of pride you thought it would. It might be time to rethink your objectives, Gemini.
The week ends on a fun note during the full moon in Libra on Saturday. The moon in your pleasure zone encourages you to do something fun and exciting. From playing a game to planning an impromptu date, just make sure you’re doing it with people you care about.