Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jul 10, 2023 – Jul 16, 2023 – Honesty is the best policy for the rest of summer once Mars enters Virgo on Monday, moving into your communication zone. You’ll need to tell people exactly what you mean and feel even if it doesn’t feel “nice.” This is a great opportunity to spend time with friends, take a short vacation, and plot your next move.

Do yourself a favor and hide your wallet when Mercury enters Leo on Monday, moving into your value zone. You’re feeling generous with your time, money, and thoughts, but while it’s important to give, Cancer, make sure you’re not being taken advantage of.

End the week by making a difference when the sun in your sign sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Friday. This is a great time to get out there and make important changes in your community. Whether you’re doing volunteer work or speaking up at meetings, get your message across.

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