Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Aug 28, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023 – Your relationships could start to get a little too intense for you when the moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo on Tuesday. Everything feels like it’s moving too quickly. Try to pump the brakes before the fire burns out of control, Cancer.

Embrace the second full moon of the month by having some fun during the blue moon in Pisces and your expansion zone on Wednesday. End the summer with a fun road trip where you can explore new places, see new things, and take a leap of faith. Have fun!

End the week on a responsible note when Venus moves forward in your value zone on Sunday. If this has been a rough summer, this is a great time to remember your worth and build up your self-esteem. It’s also an ideal time to do some fall shopping as you scoop up all those deals. Just make sure they’re in your budget.

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