Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Sep 4, 2023 – Sep 10, 2023 – You’re starting September on a humanitarian note when Jupiter goes retrograde in your social zone on Monday. You’ll feel the injustices of the world deeply over the next several months as everything seems a little more personal. It’s time to stop wishing and start doing. Be the change you wish to see in the world, Cancer.

Even with the retrograde, you’ll have a lot on your mind when the sun conjoins Mercury in your communication zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to speak your piece and do some problem-solving. However, don’t pitch your big ideas yet. You still have to work out some details.

End the week by being the life of the party as the sun trines Jupiter on Friday. This a great day to be social because your banter and charm can win you some new friends and allies.

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