Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Sep 18, 2023 – Sep 24, 2023 – You could have a hard time seeing the vision because you’re weighed down by your own opinions on a subject when the sun in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Remember to listen to all the facts before speaking out. Trust us on this, Cancer.

If you want to partner with someone before the new season begins, the time to do it is when the sun trines Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday. Whether you’re looking to sign a contract with a business partner or start a fall romance, seal the deal now.

The equinox highlights your inner homebody when the sun enters Libra and your home zone on Friday. The next few weeks bring out your nostalgic side as you think about past Halloween fun. Use this time to make new fall traditions and honor old ones with your loved ones.

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