Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Oct 2, 2023 – Oct 8, 2023 – Oh no, Cancer! Overthinking can lead to paranoia when Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Remember to slow down and think logically before going down the rabbit hole of spooky thoughts.

Home is where your heart and your mind will be over the next couple of weeks once Mercury enters Libra and your home zone on Wednesday. This is a great time to resolve family matters and have everyone get along so your home doesn’t become a house of horrors. This is a time to make peace.

After the long, turbulent retrograde season, it’s time to clear the air in all of your relationships when Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your communication zone. You’ll have time for some deep talks over the next several weeks, and you’ll be able to understand what people need so you can get on the same page before 2024.

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