Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Nov 6, 2023 – Nov 12, 2023 – You’re starting the week on an adventurous note when Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Creativity is the spice of life, so use this energy to dream up adventures and have some fun. You might even have a new story to tell.

However, home will be where your heart is when Venus enters Libra on Wednesday, moving into your family zone. You’ll want to end any and all family feuds and spend quality time with loved ones for the next few weeks. It’s also a great time to decorate your space for the season.

As we get closer to the end of the year, consider taking care of all the loose ends when Mercury enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your productivity zone. During the next two weeks, think about your routine and how you can improve your life. Try thinking outside the box, Cancer!

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