Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Your frisky side comes out to play this Monday, December 4, as sensual Venus spins into Scorpio and your lovestruck fifth house until December 29. This is your annual cycle for cranking up your personal passion quotient to “searing”! This has nothing to do with your current relationship status by the way. Whether you’re single, in a committed union or something in between, your animal magnetism is about to read off the charts (and with it, your visibility)! You won’t have to do much if anything to earn head-turner status wherever you go, but that’s no reason NOT to glam up a bit whenever you step out. Under this scene-stealing transit, simmering attractions can escalate quickly—especially when you know what you want. Of course, if you spark a bonfire that you don’t actually want or things are too sketchy for your liking, bid a polite adieu and go fish in richer waters. Couples who’d like to take advantage of this yearly boost should consider where you’ve been holding back (and why). This is a golden time to get more vulnerable and open up about something intimate. The fifth house also rules fertility, pumping your sails full of wind for the next three weeks. So if you’ve been thinking of starting or expanding a family, hang the Do Not Disturb sign and weigh anchor. On Tuesday, when amorous Venus forms a harmonious trine to commitment-minded Saturn (and a quarter moon lights up your communication center), talks about the future could get serious. Pour your heart out but be careful not to paint yourself into a corner by promising something you may struggle to make good on.

Clear out the cobwebs and get ready to hit reset on some of your loftiest visions—and get a jump-start on those New Year’s resolutions! On Wednesday, soulful Neptune concludes a befuddling five-month retrograde in Pisces and your ninth house of travel, growth and education. Ever since the reversal began last June 30, you may have lost sight of your beliefs or floundered in your metaphysical or meditative practices. But no one hits the bull’s-eye every single day, Cancer. Hopefully during this distracting downtime, you did a little soul-searching and learned some valuable lessons about yourself and about life! Now that Neptune is back to forward motion this week, you may see firsthand that there really is no one-size-fits-all truth, Crab, and that no person or organization has a monopoly on “best spiritual practices.” So experiment until you find something that resonates with you. And if, in the process of your “spiritual stretching,” you offended anyone, don’t bother explaining yourself. Simply and (sincerely) ask for forgiveness and do what feels right to make amends.

On Saturday, you may feel pulled in different directions, lured by divergent yet equally compelling opportunities. Venus in Scorpio and your dynamic fifth house is single-mindedly pursuing romance. But the vivacious planet is locked in a tricky opposition with more-is-merrier Jupiter in pragmatic Taurus and your social sector. Good luck keeping a low profile when everyone wants a piece of you. Your inner circle deserves your time, but steer clear of those attention junkies who act like they’re interested in you but really only care about themselves. Check your own affinity for drama and gossip and take precautionary measures to keep your sterling reputation out of their dumpster fire.

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