Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Dec 11, 2023 – Dec 17, 2023 – Start the week by making things official when Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio on Monday, because it’s a great day to take a love affair to the next level. Whether you’re asking someone out, contracting with a creative partner, or falling in love, stick with someone special.

The new year doesn’t begin for another two weeks, but you’re ready to start your resolutions during the Sagittarius new moon in your productivity zone on Tuesday. This lunar phase can help you focus on what you want to change in your life. Make a list of goals and then research how to reach them. Start healthy habits now, Cancer.

As 2023 comes to an end, consider renegotiating your contracts when Mercury goes into retrograde in your partnership zone on Tuesday. Use this retrograde to read through all the terms and fine print. You might find something you don’t agree with.

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