Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jan 8, 2024 – Jan 14, 2024 – Everything is better together this week, starting during the new moon in Capricorn and your partnership zone on Thursday. This is a great time to open yourself up to new relationships, whether they’re romantic, business, or creative. Growing together could lead to major power couple vibes.

However, don’t believe everything you hear over the next few months once Juno goes retrograde in your communication zone over the weekend. It’s hard to trust anyone, so your analytical skills will be in overdrive as you go over their words with a fine-tooth comb. While it’s important to be cautious, Cancer, don’t be so mistrustful that you become paranoid.

“Me” becomes “we” over the next two weeks once Mercury enters your partnership zone on Saturday. You’re more than ready to make it official. This is a great time to sign contracts, level up relationships, and think about compromise instead of competition. Everything is better together.

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