Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aug 29, 2022 – Sep 4, 2022 – Now that you’re getting your life together, you’ll discover that everything is falling into place when Mars in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Thursday. Your good habits will help make your home healthier and happier than before. Keep up the good work, Capricorn.
However, make sure you can keep up those positive habits when Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter on Friday, and your career keeps you away from home. While you’re working all hours trying to reach your goals, your home life could suffer.
Use the next few weeks to learn some lessons in love after Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your expansion zone. This is a great time to open up to the people you care about and try to understand their morals, beliefs and culture. This is a period of personal growth, so soak in all the knowledge you can.