Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Nov 14, 2022 – Nov 20, 2022 – It’s time to get out of your shell and have some fun, Capricorn! Venus enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, moving into your subconscious zone. While it’s tempting to hide out from the world, your place is to be with people who understand you and love to have fun. Allow yourself to be uninhibited. It could be very healing.

However, when the party’s over, you’ll want to be alone with your thoughts when Mercury enters your subconscious zone on Thursday. Over the next two weeks, you can reflect on the previous months and see how your bluntness has hurt people. Don’t dwell on the past. Just try to make the future better.

Focus on learning something new when Vesta enters Pisces on Sunday, moving into your communication zone. Your biggest strength will come from being able to explore your thoughts openly and honestly. Write it all down in a journal for safekeeping.

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