Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Nov 28, 2022 – Dec 4, 2022 – You’re on the road to success at the start of the week when Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. This aspect can make you extra productive as you work hard to get something you really want. Whether you’re working for a promotion or trying to afford a new car, you’ll have a chance to get it today.
However, whatever plans you have for success, keep it on the down low when Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn on Tuesday. If you want to achieve your dreams and make that money, don’t announce it to the public. Not everyone will be happy for you.
Especially because you might be dealing with some competition when Pallas turns retrograde in your partnership zone on Wednesday. You might have some secret enemies who come out of the woodwork in the next couple of weeks. Keep your cool.