Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Feb 27, 2023 – Mar 5, 2023 – March begins with harmony at home as Venus conjoins Jupiter in your family zone on Wednesday. This is a great day to indulge in all the comforts of home as you spend time with your family and make some lasting memories. Enjoy yourself, Capricorn!
Then get serious about your finances when Mercury conjoins Saturn in your value zone on Thursday. Tax day will be here before you know it, so it’s a great day to balance your budget and get a handle on your spending situation so you can save more money.
End the week on an inspirational note when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your communication zone. Your mind will be in the clouds as you think of solutions to life’s pressing issues and unlock important secrets. Don’t ignore anything difficult. It could hurt you later. Be proactive, not reactive.