Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Aug 21, 2023 – Aug 27, 2023 – Class is in session and you have major back-to-school vibes when the sun enters Virgo and your expansion zone on Wednesday. Even if you have no plans to continue your education, your mind is open to new perspectives. This is an ideal time to research, learn, and stimulate your brain. Ask interesting questions, Capricorn.

However, this isn’t the best time for travel because Mercury goes into retrograde in your travel zone on Wednesday. Even the most carefully planned trip could go sour. Make sure to double-check everything before you head out. Be understanding, not critical.

Summer is coming to an end, and when Mars enters Libra and your career zone on Sunday it’s a great time to focus on your goals and ambitions. Work on your reputation over the next several weeks, and mingle with people who can help you reach your dreams.

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