Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Oct 9, 2023 – Oct 15, 2023 – You might have a hard time getting on the same page in your relationships when Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces on Monday. You could be in two different places, which can make it hard to communicate your needs. Take a pause to look at things from a new angle.

Deep connections will be extra important to you once Mars enters Scorpio on Wednesday, moving into your social zone. The next few weeks will see you passionate about developing a community and expanding your social circle with people who “get” you. Plan for a future with big ideals, Capricorn.

Then get down to business when the solar eclipse is in your career zone on Saturday. This is a great time to set up professional goals and create a positive image for yourself. Act professionally and you can go far, as long as you decide on a path.

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