Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Oct 16, 2023 – Oct 22, 2023 – Relationships can help expand your mind in positive ways when Juno enters Virgo and your expansion zone on Tuesday. Devote yourself to keeping an open mind as you connect with people from all walks of life. Don’t be afraid to dream big together, Capricorn.

Yikes! You might have a hard time speaking up for yourself at work when Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in your sign on Friday. Someone in your office is trying to keep you out of important meetings. Don’t be stuck on the sidelines. Speak up and advocate for yourself.

Continue to think about your personal goals, expectations, and aspirations when Mercury enters Scorpio on Saturday. This is a great time to network with friends and come up with new ideas for how you can make your dreams come true. Strong alliances can help you all achieve a common goal. Good luck!

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