Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Oct 30, 2023 – Nov 5, 2023 – Halloween brings opportunities for pleasure and romance when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. This is a great time to do the Monster Mash and get lost in the pleasure of a casual relationship. It could evolve into something more, Capricorn.

However, these loving vibes might cool when we enter November and Vesta goes into retrograde in your partnership zone on Thursday. You might not feel as connected to your partnership as you once did. Conflict could arise with a lack of commitment or feeling left out in the cold. Try to work it out or walk away.

After months of your mind moving at a rapid pace, you’re finally settling into logic when Saturn goes direct in your communication zone on Saturday. Break your big ideas down into actionable steps. It’s also a great time for learning and taking classes.

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