Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Nov 6, 2023 – Nov 12, 2023 – Your week begins with some major networking opportunities when Venus enters Libra on Monday, moving into your career zone. You’ll want to make some important connections before everyone goes on holiday break. Don’t be afraid to use this social influence to advance your ambitions.

As we near the end of the year, you might be feeling a little more reflective when Mercury enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your subconscious zone. Keep your secrets close to the vest. Analyze your dreams and your secrets before you reveal anything personal. Trust us on this one, Capricorn.

However, secrets don’t make friends, and they don’t help with communication when Mercury squares Saturn in Pisces on Friday. If you have a secret or you’re trying to keep things private, it could be very hard to keep things quiet. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

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