Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Step away from the computer and come out to play! After an extra-busy month at work, you’re more than ready to return to the land of the living (and partying). On Monday, December 4, cosmic entertainment director Venus exits your work zone, slips on her dancing shoes and darts into your eleventh house of teamwork, technology and group activities. The antidote for any tunnel vision that developed during Venus’ tour of your career corner is widening your viewfinder now and reconnecting with friends, organizations and digital initiatives. And that’s not a multiple-choice test: The potential for synergies among those areas is huge! Realistically, since there are only so many hours in the week, a better tactic for catching up with as many folks as possible is skipping the one-on-ones and opting for group hangs. Then you’re free to keep the guest list open—but do let everyone buy their own ticket or pay their own bar tab. When you catch a break from all the parties, potlucks and holiday markets, take a personal inventory of your soul squad. Who among them plays the most pivotal role in your life? Who motivates you to be your best self? If you’re looking for holiday romance, tap this Venusian lift in your tech zone, which could yield better-than-usual results with your right swipes. But don’t lower your standards! When you radiate your most authentic and endearing qualities, you can’t help but attract the same back to you. Attached? Holidays are stressful enough without having to put on any romantic floor shows, so take some pressure off by focusing on the friendship aspect of the relationship. Reach out to mutual pals and go to concerts, comedy clubs and local cultural activities where you can indulge your passions and have some fun! Single? Pay attention to who shows up on Tuesday, when sensual Venus forms a harmonious trine to commitment-minded Saturn AND there’s a balancing quarter moon in Virgo: This combo could bring a serious contender into your orbit!

More good cosmic news arrives on Wednesday, signaling the end of foggy Neptune’s frustrating retrograde and the return of your gift of gab! The nebulous planet spent almost five months (since June 30) reversing through your third house of communication and self-expression, which may have left you dazed, confused and tongue-tied. But this week, the clarity and eloquence you’re accustomed to is coming back online. During this backspin, you might have experienced writer’s block. Certain friendships and sibling relationships may have taken a hit, leaving you unsure who’s really got your back. As Neptune resumes forward motion, it’ll be easier to find connection with people, even the ones you don’t see eye-to-eye with. Pay close attention to what you say to people IRL as well as to what you post on social. Something that seems innocent in the moment could come back to haunt you—another reason to always act in your highest integrity!

On Saturday, vixen Venus in your social sector faces off with supersizer Jupiter in your amorous, theatrical fifth house. This testy opposition can make it hard to tell whether you’re experiencing a momentous meeting of the minds—or if things are about to go off the rails. Venus-Jupiter entanglements can drive up sexual tension with a friend or coworker. Resist daredevil Jupiter’s temptation to leap before you look—aka, think through the possible consequences. When in doubt, hit pause and do some soul-searching to make sure you’re not getting sucked into the vortex of someone else’s drama.

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